The word “Marketing” brings the thought of online marketing, SEO, SMO and link building to our mind. The killer combination of link building online and offline will give your campaign a new high, leaving every possible competitor behind.

Offline link marketing is not any alien technique that involves some kind of rocket science, but same as promoting the links using different mediums. It’s all about making people aware of the website and getting them onto the task of recommending it for you.

But the BIG question comes in: How Do You Do That..??

One thing is for sure that the campaign has to be compelling enough for letting the audience connect and get so mesmerized that they are forced to share your links with others. Be it a prize winning competition, a lucky draw, cash prize, contest or anything else.

There is no one in this world who would not like getting gifts.

Here are my 4 ways for link marketing offline that will bring your site a level UP:

  • Pamphlets…Flyers…Paper Ads
It is a very low cost technique and requires just 2-3 resources or an affordable web design services provider. All you have to do is just get a designer, do the designing work and get it printed. The flyer is ready. Hire someone for distributing them or do it yourself.

You can target the exact demographic which will save your time and promote your links among right kind of people. For example, if your site is aimed at youths, then go to a college and do the needful.

  • Events….Party…Contests, Functions
Organize the best of event which suits your targeted audience. Make the experience worthwhile for them and pamper with gifts and moments of excitement. I bet you, they will surely love it. Promote your links in the event and you will definitely see a large number of new visitors.

If the above thing does not suit you, there is another side to the story.

There are many people who will be hosting similar events in your region. Get in touch with them and ask for putting up a stall in their premises. This way, you will able to tell people about your services, products, sites and also get approached by likeminded people.

  • Offers…Vouchers…Coupons…Gift Hampers
You can give your audiences a small treat by offering discounts, coupons, vouchers, etc. for availing your services. They will always like the idea of paying less. The word “Discount” appeals to the human mind like a spell. They cannot just ignore it. On the voucher only, put down the link for more information and you are good to go.

  • Get Innovative

Go out and look for opportunities that can help you in link building. Out in the world, you will find places, spots where you can promote your links. Visit the places that are similar to your theme and let people be aware with your links and how they will be helpful.

Link Marketing is not an easy job and this is the reason that big companies hire a web development company to take up the headache for them. However, you need to be very innovative and genuine in every approach.

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    January 2013

